I've developed a method for learning a language quickly that really works!

I've developed a method for learning a language quickly that really works!

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I've developed a method for learning a language quickly that really works!

"In 2002, despite being a polyglot fluent in Turkish, English, German, and Russian, I still hadn't figured out how to learn languages quickly. So please don't assume that anyone who speaks 4 or 5 languages has discovered the secret to language learning and acquired them all that way. But how did I manage to learn so many languages? Through persistence and hard work, of course.

Why Do We Give Up?

Because many students lack the determination I had, they give up in the language learning process, which can take months or even years. They stop learning a language because they believe they can't do it. I, too, often felt like I couldn't learn a language and stopped trying.

In the summer of 2002, while working in the entertainment department of a holiday resort, I met a Dutch family. My dear friend Nathalie, who was 16 at the time, patiently answered all my questions about learning Dutch. The method I used to start learning Dutch here laid the foundation for my fast language learning today, and I was speaking Dutch within a week.

Over the years, I refined this method and wrote my Fast Language Learning books in 2008 and 2009."

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